Registration Information

Registration for the 2025 season will open on the following dates:

Returning players and cheerleaders and siblings of returners – Saturday, February 15th

 New players and cheerleaders – Saturday, March 1st



Please register your child for the appropriate grade level. If you are not able to register for a particular team, it is because that team is full.  Please DO NOT click on another team with a different grade level and register your child there.  Your registration will be rejected!  If a team is full, send an email to [email protected], with the subject line “Waitlist request”, and send us your child’s name, grade they are entering in 2024 and which team you would like to join the waitlist for (football or cheer).  If spots open up on a team that is full, you will be contacted.  

*Note: flag level is different for cheer & football

 Cheerleaders (Grade as of 9/2025)

      A Cheerleading: Grades 6 & 7

      B Cheerleading: Grades 4 & 5

      C Cheerleading: Grades 2 & 3

      Flag Cheer: Grades K & 1

Football Players (Grade as of 9/2025)

       A Football: Grades 6 & 7

       B Football: Grades 4 & 5

       C Football: Grade 3

       Flag Football: Grades 1 & 2

       Intro to Flag Football: K


Please note that there is a small processing fee charged by the credit card company when checking out. This is not something that we are charging, the credit card processor charges it for each transaction.

  • A, B, C Football & all Cheer: $350 registration and lotto ticket fall fundraiser fee (pay ONLINE ONLY, processing fees apply, due upon registration) for
  • Flag Football: $250 registration and lotto ticket fall fundraiser fee (pay ONLINE ONLY, processing fees apply, due upon registration)
  • Intro to Flag Football: $100 registration fee (pay ONLINE ONLY, processing fees apply, due upon registration)